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Practitioner Support

At Nutrisearch we are continually striving to support our practitioners in ways that will contribute to their success.

Representing only those companies who are at the cutting edge of natural medicine and who are committed to integrity in research, design and creation of niche products and clinical protocols enables our practitioners to have confidence in achieving patient outcomes that will contribute not only to the health of the individual but also to the wealth of the community as a whole.

We are renowned for delivering exceptional seminars and peer group reviews, utilising internationally recognised integrative doctors and leaders in functional medicine.

Comprehensive product support is also available to assist you in your clinic in the form of :

  • Technical Data Sheets for all products for practitioner reference
  • Free brochures written in “plain english” for your patients’ reference
  • Dr Wilson’s Adrenal Fatigue Questionnaire
    (extremely valuable in assisting practitioners to identify levels of adrenal fatigue in their patients).
  • Dr Wilson’s empowering book “Adrenal Fatigue – The 21st Century Street Syndrome”
    (an easy to follow manual that delivers empowering and life changing information for your patients)
  • Stress Profile Kits
  • Extensive Nutripath Lab tests
  • Precision analytical Hormone Testing. (DUTCH TEST)
  • Telephone or Email contact with our Practitioner Consultant’s for technical queries/clinical cases.
  • Clinic visits & support by our technical and sales support team.
  • Efficient Patient order system to support your patients and your clinic model.
  • Patient referrals.

We look forward to being of assistance.

If you are a practitioner and would like to access these unique products and services please contact our friendly customer service team or alternatively on Freephone NZ 0800 88 44 33 or AUS 1800 177 959.


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